Tuesday, May 1, 2018

April 30- May 4

Market Day will be Friday, May 4 from 8- 9:30.  
Students' projects and items being sold should be in the cafeteria by 7:50. 
Parents may help set up, but this is a student only event. 😊

Upcoming events:
May 4: Last day to check out books from the Learning Commons/ Media Center
May 9 & 10: Muffins with Mom
May 15: Field Day
May 14- 23: "8 is Great"- 8 days of special fun because it's the last 8 days of school
May 22: Early Release at 12:20
May 23: LAST DAY of SCHOOL, Early Release at 12:20

This week we will:
- review addition and subtraction strategies focusing expanded form.
- continue our Fairy Tale projects
- have guided reading groups/ end of year reading assessments.
- learn about needs/ wants, producers/ consumers, etc preparing for Market Day.
- continue our narrative unit in writing.
- learn about contractions during spelling/ phonics.