Thursday, April 30, 2015


May Curriculum Update: 

*Have your child practice his/her math facts (flash cards) every day, and make sure your child is reading at least 20 minutes daily. 

- Students will measure objects, collect data from measurements, and use data to make a line plot. (MCC2.MD.1, 2, 3, 9) 
- Students will partition a rectangle into rows and columns of same size squares and counts to find the total number. (MCC2.G.1,2,3)
- Students will be introduced to multiplication through repeated addition and arrays. (MCC2.OA.4)

- Students will identify main topic of text or specific paragraph in text. (ELACC2RI2)
- Students will identify main purpose of a text, what is the author's purpose.(ELACC2RI6)
- Students will compare and contrast important points presented by two texts on the same topic. (ELA2CC2RI9) 

ELA/ Writing:
- Students will write narratives pieces.  (ELA2W1)
- Students will distinguish shades of meaning among closely related verbs and closely related adjectives. (ELACC2L5b)
- Students will write friendly letters to parents (ELACC2L2)

- Students will identify the life cycle of a plant from seed to maturity. (S2E2a.b)

Social Studies: 
- Students will learn about good and services. (SS2E2)

- Students will compare and contrast accident prevention strategies to use in recreational activities or sports.  

~Mrs. Folsom

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events:
-      Friday, May 1: Market Day (Remember no drinks, nail polish or hair/ beauty shops.)
-      SLOs assessment: dates coming soon
-      Friday, May 8: Field Day
-      Friday, May 8: All Media Center books are due
-      Thursday, May 14: Muffins with Mom, A-L
-      Friday, May 15: Muffins with Mom, M-Z
-      Wednesday, May 20: Early Release, 12:20
-      Thursday, May 21: LAST DAY!  Early Release, 12:20

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Upcoming Events and Important Dates

  • April 2: Leadership Night,6:00
  • April 6- 10: Spring Break
  • SLO's assessment will be sometime the last week of April and first week of May. When I get a specific date, I will let you know. 
  • May 1: Market Day
  • May 8: Field Day for Second Grade
  • May 8: All Media Center books due
  • May 14: Muffins with Mom, last names A-L
  • May 15: Muffins with Mom, last names M-Z
  • May 20: Early Release at 12:30
  • May 21: LAST DAY OF SCHOOL, Early Release at 12:30
  • May 22: Your babies are 3rd graders!!


April Curriculum Update: 

*Have your child practice his/her math facts (flash cards) every day, and make sure your child is reading at least 20 minutes daily. 

- Students will use addition and subtraction strategies to solve two step word problems. (MCC2.OA.1)
- Students will compare two 3-digit numbers based on meaning and use symbols to compare. (MCC2.NBT.3,4) 
- Students will add and subtract within 1,000 using strategies and explain how the problems were solved. (MCC2.NBT.5, 6, 7, 9) 

- Students will identify main topic of text or specific paragraph in text. (ELACC2RI2)
- Students will identify main purpose of a text, what is the author's purpose.(ELACC2RI6)
- Students will compare and contrast important points presented by two texts on the same topic. (ELA2CC2RI9) 

ELA/ Writing:
- Students will write narratives, informative, and opinion pieces.  (ELA2W1, 2, 3)
- Students will continue reading, understanding, and using prefixes and suffixes. (ELACCRF3d)
- Students will distinguish shades of meaning among closely related verbs and closely related adjectives. (ELACC2L5b)
- Students will write friendly letters to parents (ELACC2L2)

- Students will identify the life cycle of a plant from seed to maturity. (S2E2a.b)

Social Studies: 
- Students will learn about our Georgia hero President Jimmy Carter. (SS2H1a)

~Mrs. Folsom