Wednesday, September 14, 2016

September 19-23

September 19- 23

This week we will:
- learn how to solve one step word problems.
- have reading groups based on reading levels and student needs.
- continue our study on character traits and story elements while reading
   The Classroom at the End of the Hall
- write a friendly letter to our parents.
- work on our Personal Narrative writing project.
- continue our unit on Matter.
- learn more about Habit #7- Sharpen the Saw

Spelling Words: No new words this week. We will be reviewing past spelling patterns in class.

mathbook web site

McGraw-Hill Education

username: ccsd(student ID #)
password: cobbmath1

Friday, September 9, 2016

September 12- 16

September 12- 16

Please make sure your child has either headphones or earbuds for Computer Lab. 

This week we will:
- learn about and review addition and subtraction strategies with single digit problems.
- have reading groups based on reading levels and student needs.
- continue our study on character traits and story elements while reading
   The Classroom at the End of the Hall
- write a friendly letter to our parents.
- work on our Personal Narrative writing project.
- learn about long E patterns in phonics/ spelling.
- learn about collective nouns.
- continue our unit on Matter.
- learn more about Habit #6- Synergize

Spelling Words: dream, feel, yield, cream, wheel, field, greedy, increase, relief, always, far, play, put, school, sometimes, while

Spelling City, List 6: 

Monday, September 5, 2016

September 6- 9

September 6-9

This week we will:
- learn about comparing numbers.
- have reading groups based on reading levels and student needs. 
- write a friendly letter to our parents.
- work on our Personal Narrative writing project.
- learn about long O patterns in phonics/ spelling.
- learn about nouns.
- begin our unit on Matter.
- learn more about Habit #5- Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood

Spelling Words: float, doe, grown, boat, shown, toe, below, yellow, toenail, began, big, off, once, saw, went, while

Spelling City, List 5: