Monday, May 14, 2018

May 14- 18, 21-23

8 is GREAT!
For the last 8 days of school we will celebrate with these fun activities.

Monday, May 14: Puzzles and Pets
                  The students will bring in puzzles and a stuffed animal from home.
Tuesday, May 15: Field Day and Cow Drop
Make sure your child wears his/her team color, as well as sunscreen.  We can’t apply sunscreen to students.  The students will also need a water bottle, and may wear hats and sunglasses.
Wednesday, May 16: Cartoon Day
The students will learn how to draw specific cartoons in the morning and will watch a cartoon movie in the afternoon.
Thursday, May 17: Camp Day
We will enjoy a day of reading in tents (under the desks). The students may bring in a small blanket and a small pillow, as well as a flashlight and books from home.  We will end the day with s’mores. 
Friday, May 18: Friendship Day and Pickett’s Mill Love Day
We will make a “friendship snack” in the morning, followed by “snack on the track” with our other second grade friends.  In the afternoon we will sign yearbooks and/or autograph books with all second grade classes.
Monday, May 21: Beach Day
The students may bring in beach towels to lay on while we watch Moana in the morning. Then in the afternoon we will celebrate our class with our End of Year party with yummy treats, chalk and bubbles, and hopefully enjoy the sun outside pretending to be on the beach.
Tuesday, May 22: Cleaning Day, Early Release
We will clean the classroom from top to bottom.  Everything will come home today.  Dismissal will be at 12:20.
Wednesday, May 23: LAST DAY OF SCHOOL, Early Release
                  We will read Last Day Blues and try not to be blue that it’s the lastday.
Remember the students are not allowed to bring anything to school on the last day. Dismissal will be at 12:20.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

April 30- May 4

Market Day will be Friday, May 4 from 8- 9:30.  
Students' projects and items being sold should be in the cafeteria by 7:50. 
Parents may help set up, but this is a student only event. 😊

Upcoming events:
May 4: Last day to check out books from the Learning Commons/ Media Center
May 9 & 10: Muffins with Mom
May 15: Field Day
May 14- 23: "8 is Great"- 8 days of special fun because it's the last 8 days of school
May 22: Early Release at 12:20
May 23: LAST DAY of SCHOOL, Early Release at 12:20

This week we will:
- review addition and subtraction strategies focusing expanded form.
- continue our Fairy Tale projects
- have guided reading groups/ end of year reading assessments.
- learn about needs/ wants, producers/ consumers, etc preparing for Market Day.
- continue our narrative unit in writing.
- learn about contractions during spelling/ phonics.