Friday, December 16, 2016

Dec, 19, 20, 21

This week we will:
- review math concepts taught during the first semester.
- have reading groups based on reading levels and student needs. 
- learn about reflexive pronouns and other ELA skills taught during first semester.  
- have Story Time in Learning Commons (Media Center) on Monday.
- have Flashlight Tuesday on Tuesday. (The students may bring in a flashlight and books from home to read.) 
- have Winter Centers on Wednesday beginning at 8. 
- have Guidance on Wednesday at 12:15.
- have the Reindeer Dash on Wednesday at 1:40.

I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday! 
~ Ms. Folsom

Monday, December 12, 2016

Dec. 12- 16

This week we will:
- review one step word problems and learn how to solve two step word         problems. 
- have reading groups based on reading levels and student needs.
- ask and answer questions about informational text.
- write a friendly letter to our parents.
- learn about Simple Machines and Energy. 
- learn about root words, reflexive pronouns, and possessive nouns
- have STEM on Monday. 
- have Winter Wonderland with second grade friends on Wednesday. 

Monday, December 5, 2016

Dec. 5- 9

This week we will:
- learn how to subtract 2 digit numbers using the Place Value strategy- Adding Up to find the Difference
- have reading groups based on reading levels and student needs.
- discuss Author's Purpose with various texts.  
- ask and answer questions about informational text.
- describe connection between scientific ideas in given text.
- write a friendly letter to our parents.
- learn about James Oglethorpe.
- have STEM on Monday. 
- learn about the /oo/ pattern in spelling/ phonics. 

Field Trip on Wednesday, Dec. 7 to see the Nutcracker.  
Please talk to your child about theater behavior and manners.  
We are asking the students to dress nice for the theater, not Sunday best, but nice.  (Ex. best pair of blue jeans and nice shirt, a dress with tights, etc.) 

Monday, November 28, 2016

Nov. 28- Dec. 2

This week we will:
- learn how to add 2 digit numbers using the Place Value strategy- Number Line.
- have reading groups based on reading levels and student needs.
- describe how words and phases supply rhythm and meaning to poems, songs,    and stories. 
- discuss Author's Purpose with various texts.  
- write a friendly letter to our parents.
- learn about James Oglethorpe.
- have STEM on Monday. 
- learn about the /ou/ pattern in spelling/ phonics. 

Friday, November 18, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving! 

Monday, November 14, 2016

Nov. 14- 18

Second Grade Thanksgiving Feast will be Tuesday, November 15. 
Our lunch time is 10:54- 11:24. 

This week we will:
- learn how to subtract 2 digit numbers using the Place Value strategies.
- have reading groups based on reading levels and student needs.
- describe how words and phases supply rhythm and meaning to poems, songs,    and stories. 
- discuss Author's Purpose with various texts.  
- write a friendly letter to our parents.
- learn about contractions. 
- learn about Mary Musgrove.
- have Guidance on Wednesday. 
- learn about the /oi/ pattern in spelling/ phonics. 

Monday, November 7, 2016

November 7- 11

Remember Tuesday, Nov. 8 is a student holiday.  

This week we will:
- learn how to add 2 digit numbers using the Place Value strategy.
  We will focus on using Number Puzzles to solve problems. 
- have reading groups based on reading levels and student needs.
- describe how words and phases supply rhythm and meaning to poems, songs,    and stories. 
- write a friendly letter to our parents.
- continue our Informational writing project.
- learn about Mary Musgrove.
- have STEM on Monday.
- learn about the R controlled pattern in spelling/ phonic. 

Monday, October 31, 2016

Oct. 31- Nov. 4

This week we will:
- learn how to add 2 digit numbers using the Place Value strategy.
- have reading groups based on reading levels and student needs.
- describe how words and phases supply rhythm and meaning to poems, songs,    and stories. 
- write a friendly letter to our parents.
- continue our Informational writing project.
- learn about Tomochichi and Mary Musgrove.
- have STEM on Monday.
- learn about the R controlled pattern in spelling/ phonic. (er/ ir/ ur)

Examples of Place Value Strategy

Parents please fill out this quick five minute survey about our school.  The results go toward our School Climate Star rating and CCRPI results.  Thank you!
Georgia Parent Survey:

Monday, October 24, 2016

October 24-28

October 24-28

This week we will:
- review place value (showing a number 4 ways) and skip counting to 1,000 by 10's, 5's, and 100's
- have reading groups based on reading levels and student needs.
- describe how words and phases supply rhythm and meaning to poems, songs, and stories. 
- write a friendly letter to our parents.
- continue our Informational writing project by writing about what we learned from our research on bats.
- learn about Tomochichi.
- have STEM on Monday.
- have lessons in the Learning Commons (Media Center) Thursday and Friday.
- learn about the R controlled O pattern in spelling/ phonic.

Parents please fill out this quick five minute survey about our school.  The results go toward our School Climate Star rating and CCRPI results.  Thank you!
Georgia Parent Survey:

Monday, October 17, 2016

Oct. 17- 21

October 17-21

Fall Conference Week:  The students will be dismissed at 12:10. 

This week we will:
- learn how to measure object in centimeters and meters.
- have reading groups based on reading levels and student needs.
- write a friendly letter to our parents.
- begin our Informational writing project.
- learn about Sequoyah.
- have STEM on Monday.
- have Guidance on Wednesday.

Monday, October 10, 2016

October 10- 14

October 10- 14

Fall Conferences are next week, Oct. 17- 21.  The students will be dismissed at 12:20. 

This week we will:
- learn how to measure object in inches, feet, and yards
- have reading groups based on reading levels and student needs.
- write a friendly letter to our parents.
- finish our Personal Narrative writing project.
- begin our Informational writing project.
- review common and proper nouns
- learn about r-controlled a syllable patterns.
- learn about Sequoyah.
- have STEM on Monday.

* Spelling words: smart, scar, shark, start, star, spark, market, garlic, party, away, idea, left, near, play, until

Monday, October 3, 2016

Fall Conference Sign Up

October 3- 7

October 3- 7

This week we will:
- learn how to read and make bar graphs.
- learn how to count groups of coins and determine the value.
- have reading groups based on reading levels and student needs.
- continue our study on character traits and story elements while reading
   The Classroom at the End of the Hall
- write a friendly letter to our parents.
- work on our Personal Narrative writing project.
- learn about plural nouns.
- learn about the long I spelling pattern.
- learn about the Creek and Cherokee Native American tribes.
- have STEM on Monday and Guidance on Wednesday. 

* Spelling words: bright, pie, sigh, high, flight, lie, brightly, lightening, tighten, always, even, idea, later, still, took, went, 

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

September 19-23

September 19- 23

This week we will:
- learn how to solve one step word problems.
- have reading groups based on reading levels and student needs.
- continue our study on character traits and story elements while reading
   The Classroom at the End of the Hall
- write a friendly letter to our parents.
- work on our Personal Narrative writing project.
- continue our unit on Matter.
- learn more about Habit #7- Sharpen the Saw

Spelling Words: No new words this week. We will be reviewing past spelling patterns in class.

mathbook web site

McGraw-Hill Education

username: ccsd(student ID #)
password: cobbmath1

Friday, September 9, 2016

September 12- 16

September 12- 16

Please make sure your child has either headphones or earbuds for Computer Lab. 

This week we will:
- learn about and review addition and subtraction strategies with single digit problems.
- have reading groups based on reading levels and student needs.
- continue our study on character traits and story elements while reading
   The Classroom at the End of the Hall
- write a friendly letter to our parents.
- work on our Personal Narrative writing project.
- learn about long E patterns in phonics/ spelling.
- learn about collective nouns.
- continue our unit on Matter.
- learn more about Habit #6- Synergize

Spelling Words: dream, feel, yield, cream, wheel, field, greedy, increase, relief, always, far, play, put, school, sometimes, while

Spelling City, List 6: 

Monday, September 5, 2016

September 6- 9

September 6-9

This week we will:
- learn about comparing numbers.
- have reading groups based on reading levels and student needs. 
- write a friendly letter to our parents.
- work on our Personal Narrative writing project.
- learn about long O patterns in phonics/ spelling.
- learn about nouns.
- begin our unit on Matter.
- learn more about Habit #5- Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood

Spelling Words: float, doe, grown, boat, shown, toe, below, yellow, toenail, began, big, off, once, saw, went, while

Spelling City, List 5: 

Friday, August 26, 2016

Aug. 29- Sept. 2

August 29- September 2

This week we will:
- wrap up our Place Value study for this grading period.
- have reading groups based on reading levels and student needs. 
- write a friendly letter to our parents.
- work on our Personal Narrative writing project.
- learn about long A patterns in phonics/ spelling.
- learn about nouns.
- wrap up our study of the regions of Georgia.
- have STEM Monday afternoon.
- learn more about Habit #4- Think Win-Win

Spelling Words: train, stay, eight, sprain, tray, freight, complain, obey, raisin, along, both, idea, off, together, went, walk

Challenge Word: Acworth

Spelling City, Unit 3: 

Friday, August 19, 2016

August 22- 26

August 22-26

This week we will:
- continue learning  about place value.
- continue learning about the procedures for Math groups
- continue learning about procedures for Guided Reading and having reading groups.
- write a friendly letter to our parents.
- continue learning about the procedures for Writer's Workshop.
- learn about open syllable patterns in phonics/ spelling.
- learn about nouns.
- continue our study of the regions of Georgia.
- have STEM Monday afternoon.
- learn more about Habit #3- Put First Things First

Spelling Words: cry, go, she, fly, we, so, baby, robot, because, done, don't, know, once, together

Challenge Word: Atlanta

Spelling City, Unit 3: 

Monday, August 15, 2016

Wish List items

Wish List Items:
- recess balls
- post it notes
- magic erasers
- a pack of colored sharpies 

Power Point from Open House

If you would like a paper copy of the power point that I shared during Open House, please email me.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Aug. 15- 19

August 15-19

This week we will:
- learn about place value. The students will show a given number four different ways.
- learn the procedures for Math groups
- learn about procedures for Guided Reading and begin reading groups.
- write a friendly letter to our parents.
- learn about the procedures for Writer's Workshop.
- learn about CVCe words in phonics/ spelling.
- learn about nouns.
- continue our study of the regions of Georgia.
- have STEM Monday afternoon.
- have guidance lesson Wednesday afternoon.
- learn more about Habit #2 Begin with the End in Mind.

Spelling Words: crate, stroke, glide, woke, plate, pride, reptile, naptime, mistake

Challenge Word: Georgia

Monday, August 8, 2016

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Aug. 8- 12

August 8- 12

This week we will:
- learn about place value. The students will show how to represent a number four different ways.
- learn about procedures for Guided Reading and begin reading groups.
- write a friendly letter to our parents.
- learn about the procedures for Writer's Workshop.
- learn about closed syllables in phonics/ spelling.
- learn about nouns.
- begin our study of the regions of Georgia. 

Spelling Words:  shock, fish, chunk, rock, trunk, dish, napkin, magnet, basket
Challenge Words: Ms. Folsom, Pickett's Mill

Upcoming Events

Thursday, Aug. 11: Open House
  • PTA/ Foundation General meeting at 5:30 in cafeteria
  • Classroom Visits: 
    • Session 1- 6:00- 6:30
    • Session 2- 6:35- 7:05

Monday, July 25, 2016


Welcome to Second Grade! 

I am super excited about this school year!

Dates/ Times to Remember:

Thursday, July 28: Meet and Greet
-classroom visits, 4:30- 5:30
-school social, 5:30- 6:30
Monday, August 1: First Day of School 

Thursday, August 11: Open House 
-PTA/Foundation General Meeting: 5:30 (cafeteria)
-K-5 Classroom Visits
       Session 1: 6:00-6:30

       Session 2: 6:35-7:05

Sunday, May 22, 2016

May 23- 25

Monday, Mary 23: 
- Friendship activities
- Friendship Ice Cream Sundae Social at 11:25- 12:00
- signing Yearbooks and/ or Memory Book with ALL 2nd grade friends at the Bus Port

May 24: Reading/ Camping Day, 12:10 Early Release
- Kids may bring a small pillow, a small blanket or towel, a small soft animal, a flashlight, and books.
- I'll make "tents" for the kids with sheets for the true camping experience.

May 25: Blue Day, Last Day of School, 12:10 Early Release
- Cleaning Day
- 5th grade walk

At home work on:
- counting money
- telling time on an analog clock
- addition and/ or subtraction facts, then multiplication facts
- reading (both silently and out loud) and retelling

Monday, May 16, 2016

May 16- 20

May 16- 20
This week we will:
- have fun reading about pirates, making pirate characters, writing about the pirate characters we make, complete math activities involving pirates, etc.
- wrapping up any individual assessments

Upcoming events:
May 19: Board Game day
May 20: Movie in the AM
Mary 23: Year Book/ Memory Book signing in PM, Ice Cream Sundaes after lunch
May 24: Reading/ Camping Day, 12:10 Early Release
May 25: Blue Day, Last Day of School, 12:10 Early Release

At home work on:
- counting money
- telling time on an analog clock
- addition and/ or subtraction facts, then multiplication facts
- reading (both silently and out loud) and retelling

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Cow Drop

May 12, 2016 at 1:15 pm

PMES Foundation and Chick-fil-A at Brookstone present

Send your teacher up in the Helicopter to drop the Cows!
(The 2 teachers with highest Cow Sales get to ride in the helicopter!)

1st Place   - Closest to the “X” – 1 Year Free Chick-Fil-A Meals (1/week for a year)
2nd Place  - 2nd Closest to the “X” – Large Plush Cow
3rd Place  - 3rd Closest to the “X” – 5 Free Chick-Fil-A Kids Meals


Monday, May 2, 2016

May 2-6

May 2- 6
This week we will:
- continue learning how to solve two digit addition problems with regrouping.
- learn how to solve two digit subtraction problems with regrouping.
- write a friendly letter to our parents.
- begin our persuasive writing project.
- review homonyms.
- learn more about the life cycle of a plant while planting flowers.
- begin our study on Jimmy Carter.
- read, discuss, and describe how characters respond to major challenges and events.
- continue our reading/ character project.

Upcoming events:
May 13: Field Day
May 24: 12:10 Early Release
May 25: Last Day of School, 12:10 Early Release

At home work on:
- counting money
- telling time on an analog clock
- addition and/ or subtraction facts, then multiplication facts
- reading (both silently and out loud) and retelling

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

April 25- 29

April 25- 29

This week we will:
- learn how to solve two digit addition problems with regrouping.
- write a friendly letter to our parents.
- begin our persuasive writing project.
- review contractions.
- begin learning about the life cycle of a plant.
- read, discuss, and describe how characters respond to major challenges and events.
- continue our reading/ character project.

Upcoming events:
May 13: Field Day
May 24: 12:10 Early Release
May 25: Last Day of School, 12:10 Early Release

At home work on:
- counting money
- telling time on an analog clock
- addition and/ or subtraction facts, then multiplication facts
- reading (both silently and out loud) and retelling

Monday, April 18, 2016

April 18-22

This week we will:
- work on solving two step word problems using addition and subtraction strategies taught in class. 
- write a friendly letter to our parents.
- begin our persuasive writing project.
- learn about adding -ed, -ing, and - ly to words.
- continue our animals life cycle study (insects).
- review good and services for upcoming Market Day.
- read, discuss, and describe how characters respond to major challenges and events.
- begin reading/ character project.

Upcoming events:
April 22: Market Day
April 22: Spring Fling
May 13: Field Day
May 24: 12:10 Early Release
May 25: Last Day of School, 12:10 Early Release

At home work on:
- counting money
- telling time on an analog clock
- addition and/ or subtraction facts, then multiplication facts
- reading (both silently and out loud) and retelling

Monday, April 11, 2016

April 11- 15

April 11- 15

This week we will:
- beginning learning about multiplication through arrays and repeated addition.
- write a friendly letter to our parents.
- finish our informational writing project.
- begin our opinion writing project.
- continue our animals life cycle study (life cycle of mammals, birds, amphibians, and insects).
- read, discuss, and describe how characters respond to major challenges and events. 

Upcoming events:
April 22: Market Day
April 22: Spring Fling
May 13: Field Day
May 24: 12:10 Early Release
May 25: Last Day of School, 12:10 Early Release

At home work on:
- counting money
- telling time on an analog clock
- addition and/ or subtraction facts, then multiplication facts
- reading (both silently and out loud) and retelling

Monday, March 28, 2016

March 28- April 1

March 28- April 1

This week we will:
- review partitioning circles, squares, triangles, and rectangles into two, three, and/or four equal shares.
- partition rectangles into rows and columns to form equal sized squares.
- review 3D shapes (cube, pyramid, sphere, rectangular prism, cone, & cylinder).
- write a friendly letter to our parents.
- begin our informational writing project.
- learn more about prefix and suffix.
- begin our animals life cycle study (life cycle of mammals, birds, amphibians, and insects).

No spelling this week!  

Upcoming events:
April 4- 8: Spring Break
April 22: Market Day
May 13: Field Day
May 24: 12:10 Early Release
May 25: Last Day of School, 12:10 Early Release

Monday, March 21, 2016

March 21- 25

March 21- 25

This week we will:
- review shapes, sides and angles.
- partition circles, squares, triangles, and rectangles into two, three, and/or four equal shares
- write a friendly letter to our parents.
- begin our informational writing project
- learn more about homophones
- begin our animals life cycle study (life cycle of mammals, birds, amphibians, and insects) 

Upcoming events:
March 14- 17: Book Fair
April 4- 8: Spring Break
April 22: Market Day
May 13: Field Day
May 24: 12:10 Early Release
May 25: Last Day of School, 12:10 Early Release

Monday, March 14, 2016

March 14- 18

March 14- 18

This week we will:
- review coins and counting groups of coins to determine account.
- review how to make combinations of coins and dollar bills that equal given amount.
- learn to to solve 2 step word problems using addition and subtraction. 
- write a friendly letter to our parents.
- review possessive nouns.
- continue our fairy tales project.

Upcoming events:
March 14- 17: Book Fair
April 4- 8: Spring Break
April 22: Market Day
May 13: Field Day
May 24: 12:10 Early Release
May 25: Last Day of School, 12:10 Early Release

Monday, March 7, 2016

March 7- 11

March 7- 11

This week we will:
- review coins and learn more about counting groups of coins to determine account.
- learn how to make combinations of coins and dollar bills that equal given amount. 
- write a friendly letter to our parents.
- learn about plural nouns and adding s, es, or ies to words
- review possessive nouns.
- continue our fairy tales project.

Upcoming events:
March 10: Picture Day (Our assigned time is 9:10.)
March 11: Pirate Palooza School Dance
March 14- 17: Book Fair
April 4- 8: Spring Break
April 22: Market Day
May 13: Field Day
May 24: 12:10 Early Release
May 25: Last Day of School, 12:10 Early Release