Monday, August 31, 2015

Aug. 31- Sept. 4


Aug. 31- Sept 4:

- Remember to only put water in your child's water bottle. 
- We have snack everyday around 9 o'clock. 
- This week we will be working on: 
        * place value (showing a number in written form, with base ten blocks, expanded form,                          and identifying how value of digit in each place value)
        * continue Narrative writing project
        * learn more about nouns, verbs, and adjectives
        * wrap up our Seven Habits review
        * begin our Georgia regions and rivers study
        * wrap up our book study on The Classroom at the End of the Hall

FYI about a classmate: 
Claire's little brother Brooks has a form of cancer. I believe a meal train has been set up.  As soon as I have the website for the meal train, I will share it with you.  Please remember Brooks and the entire family in your thoughts and prayers. (Claire's mother has given me permission to share this information.)

~Mrs. Folsom

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Aug, 24- 28

This week we will continue reviewing and talking about the 7 Habits.  We will also beginning setting goals for the year.  We will work on place value, writing personal narratives, reading with leveled reading groups, and continue our book study The Classroom at the End of the Hall. Please refer to the August Curriculum Update in the previous post for more information.   

Thanks for all your help and support!  
Mrs. Folsom

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Aug. 17- 21, August Curriculum Update

Below is the curriculum update for the month.  Remember that most of my instruction is differentiated in small groups based on students' needs. 
The class is also review the Seven Habits weekly. 

August Curriculum Update: 

- Review addition and subtraction strategies with numbers to 20. (counting on, making ten, fact families, number bonds with part, part, whole)
- Understand that the three digits of a three-digit number represents amounts of hundreds, tens, and ones. 
Count within 1000; skip-count by 5s, 10s, and 100s.
Read and write numbers to 1000 using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form 
- introduce coins and values
- introduce telling time to the hour and half hour

- read aloud Classroom at the End of the Hall  by Douglas Evans 
- ask and answer who, what, when, why, and how questions to understand text
- describe how a character in a story responds to major events and challenges
- distinguish between long and short vowels when reading
- Guided reading lessons with leveled text

ELA/ Writing:
Write narratives in which they recount a well-elaborated event or short sequence of events, include details to describe actions, thoughts, and feelings, use temporal words to signal event order, and provide a sense of closure. 
- Nouns (common, proper, pronouns, collective nouns, possessive nouns)
- Write friendly letters to parents 

will compare and contrast seasonal changes through observing how certain trees change throughout the year and through collecting evidence of the length of our day ( sunrise to sunset) 
- will investigate the properties of matter and changes that occur in objects.
*Identify the three common states of matter as solid, liquid, or gas.

~ Mrs. Folsom

Sunday, August 9, 2015

August 10- 14

This week we will:
- begin our math unit on place value and reviewing addition/ subtraction strategies. 
- begin our narrative writing unit.
- begin our unit on matter.
- review habit 1, Be Proactive.
- begin our book study (The Classroom at the End of the Hall)
- begin guided reading groups

Open House will be Tuesday, August 11.  There will be 2 sessions.  The first session will be from 6:00- 6:30.  The second session will be from 6:35- 7:05.