Thursday, January 22, 2015

7 Habits T-shirt

7 Habits t-shirt for $7!
·        The Student Lighthouse Team is selling red t-shirts (with black graphics/lettering) to be worn on Leadership Day (2/26/15). Won’t it look great if we all are showing our school spirit when our visitors arrive from all over the country? Of course, you can wear it any other day as well!
·        For each t-shirt sold, $1 will be donated to the Humane Society of Cobb County.  That is a win-win!  You’ll have a great shirt and be helping animals at the same time.  (If we sell 500 shirts, $500 will be donated to helping provide animals with food, shelter, supplies, and medicine!)
·        Please submit your order by Friday, January 30, 2015
     Order forms are available in the front office. 

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Student Learning Objective assessment

2nd grade students will be participating in the Student Learning Objective (SLO) assessments in reading and math on Monday and Tuesday.  These assessments will gauge the learning growth of our students between this time and the end of the year.  No special preparation is needed for these assessments. Please help ensure your student is in attendance for these assessments.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


January Curriculum Update: 

*Have your child practice his/her math facts (flash cards) every day, and make sure your child is reading at least 20 minutes daily. 

Students will partition circles and rectangles into two, three, and four equal parts. (MCC2.G.3)
- Students will measure the length of given objects in inches/ yards and centimeters/ meters. (MCC2.MD1,2,3,9) 

- Students will determine central message, lesson, or moral of fables and folktales. (ELACC2RL2)
- Students will describe the overall structure of a story, including how the beginning introduces the story and the ending concludes the action. (ELACC2RL5)
- Students will independently compare and contrast two or more versions of the same story by different authors and/or different cultures. (ELACC2RL9)
- Students will review vowels, decoding rules, and reading strategies during differentiated reading groups. (ELACC2RF3)

ELA/ Writing:

- Students will write opinion pieces.  (ELA2W1)
- Students will use apostrophes correctly in contractions and possessives. (ELACC2L2c)
- Students will distinguish shades of meaning among closely related verbs and closely related adjectives. (ELACC2L5b)
- Students will write friendly letters to parents (ELACC2L2)

Social Studies: 
- Students will learn about Martin Luther King, Jr. and Jackie Robinson, two Georgia heroes.  (SS2H1.a)
- Students will learn about the need for rules and laws related to the Civil Rights movement. (SS2CG1)

~Mrs. Folsom