Monday, October 20, 2014

Red Ribbon Week- Oct. 27-29

The purpose of the Red Ribbon Days is to present a visible commitment to a safe, healthy and drug-free lifestyle. These special days are designed to accomplish the following:
-  to create awareness concerning the problems related to the use of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs
-  to support the decision to live a healthy, drug-free lifestyle.

The first Red Ribbon Week was proclaimed in 1988 by the U.S. Congress in support of a federal drug agent who gave his life for combating illegal drugs. The week is marked by the wearing of a red ribbon to send the message: Live drug-free!

Next week, we will celebrate Red Ribbon Days by doing the following:

Drug Free Student Pledge
I pledge to stay in school and learn the things that I need to know.
I pledge to make the world a better place for kids like me to grow.
I pledge to keep my dreams alive and be all that I can be.
I pledge to help others and to keep myself drug free.

Theme Days
Monday, 10/27 – Wear Red to remember it is important to make healthy choices
Tuesday, 10/28 – Team Up Against Drugs – wear your favorite team shirt or colors
Wednesday, 10/29 – Sock It To Drugs – wear crazy socks

“Too Smart for Drugs” Guessing Jar
A jar filled with Smarties will be available for viewing in the main hallway trophy case from 10/22 – 10/29. Each class will have just (1) guess/estimate of how many packages of Smarties are in the guessing jar. The class, who comes closest, without going over, wins the contents of the jar for their class. In case of a tie, the contents will be divided between the classes that tied. A box will be available in the mailroom on Wed. 10/29 for your best guess – remember just (1) per class.
Your class will need to Synergize!

Sunday, October 5, 2014


October Curriculum Update: 

- Students will add and subtract  within 100 using strategies based on place value
(base ten blocks, expanded form, hundreds charts) (MCC2.NBT.5,6,7,9)
- Students will measuring objects in meter, centimeter, inches, feet (MCC2.MD.1,2,3,9)
- Students will solve  1 step and 2 step word problems (MCC2.OA.1)


- To understand key details in texts, the students will ask and answer who, what, where, whey, why, and how questions (ELACC2RI1)
- Students will determine purpose of text including what the author wants to answer, explain, or describe (ELACC2.RI6)
- review vowels, decoding rules, and reading strategies during differentiated reading groups. (ELACC2RF3)

ELA/ Writing:

- The students will write  a creative story where a spider is the main character.
- Students will begin Informative Writing project about the Georgia Regions (ELA2W2)
- We will review nouns, verbs, and adjectives. Adverbs will be introduced. (ELACC2L1.e)
- Students will write friendly letters to parents (ELACC2L2)
- Students will learn about prefixes and suffixes (ELACC2L4.b,c)
Social Studies: 
- Student will learn about Creek and Cherokee Native American tribes. (SS2G1)
- Students will learn about the following historical figures: Sequoyah, Tomochichi, Mary Musgrove, and James Oglethorpe. (SS2H1)