January Curriculum Update:
*Have your child practice his/her math facts (flash cards) every day, and make sure your child is reading at least 20 minutes daily.
- Students will partition circles and rectangles into two, three, and four equal parts. (MCC2.G.3)
- Students will measure the length of given objects in inches/ yards and centimeters/ meters. (MCC2.MD1,2,3,9)
Reading: - Students will measure the length of given objects in inches/ yards and centimeters/ meters. (MCC2.MD1,2,3,9)
- Students will determine central message, lesson, or moral of fables and folktales. (ELACC2RL2)
- Students will describe the overall structure of a story, including how the beginning introduces the story and the ending concludes the action. (ELACC2RL5)
- Students will independently compare and contrast two or more versions of the same story by different authors and/or different cultures. (ELACC2RL9)
- Students will review vowels, decoding rules, and reading strategies during differentiated reading groups. (ELACC2RF3)
ELA/ Writing:
- Students will write opinion pieces. (ELA2W1)
- Students will use apostrophes correctly in contractions and possessives. (ELACC2L2c)
- Students will distinguish shades of meaning among closely related verbs and closely related adjectives. (ELACC2L5b)
- Students will write friendly letters to parents (ELACC2L2)
Social Studies:
- Students will learn about Martin Luther King, Jr. and Jackie Robinson, two Georgia heroes. (SS2H1.a)
- Students will learn about the need for rules and laws related to the Civil Rights movement. (SS2CG1)