Thursday, May 15, 2014

School Supply Pack Information


From the PMES Foundation:
School supply packs for 2014-2015 school year are ready to be ordered. No more shopping hassles, crowds, traffic or guess work!  These packs include ALL bulk items; such as Ziploc bags, tissues and Clorox wipes to name a few. These packs are cheaper than Wal-Mart ( We personally went and priced it).  All name brand items the teachers requested. We only have one month to order them so they will be available at sneak a peek.
Please go to
The school ID is PIC015.  Orders are available only online. The link will be on the school website.
Deadline to order for upcoming school year is JUNE 15th! Questions email

Saturday, May 10, 2014

May 12- 16 and May 19, 20, 21

Upcoming Events: 
Monday, May 12- Charlotte's Web day (dress like a farmer & bring in favorite stuffed farm animal)
Tuesday, May 13- Friendship & Yearbook signing day
Wednesday, May 14- Camp day (academic centers) (bring flashlight)
Thursday, May 15- Beach day (academic centers) (bring beach towel & sunglasses)
Friday, May 16- Our class movie day.  
                 This is a reward for reaching our math goal.
                  Students may wear pajamas and bring in a stuffed animal.
Monday, May 19- End of the Year Celebration & Ice Cream Social
Tuesday, May 20- Board Game day, Dismissal at 12:10
Wednesday, May 21- LAST DAY, Dismissal at 12:10

During integrated reading we will:
- work on fluency through oral reading
- have differentiated guided reading lessons.

During Writing Workshop the students will:
- begin writing how to paragraphs. (ELACC1W2)
Spelling: List 30, test on Friday before the movie
In math the students will add 2 digit numbers using concrete models or drawings and strategies. (MCC1.NBT.4)

Mrs. Folsom 

Monday, May 5, 2014

May 5- 9

Field Day: Friday, May 9
(Remember to put sunscreen on your child prior to coming to school.)

During integrated reading we will continue our Charlotte's Web book study.
The students will:

- listen and visualize read aloud text Charlotte's Web.
- ask and answer questions about key details in read aloud text. (ELACC1SL2)
- retell story including key details. (ELACC1RL2)
- identify who is telling the story at various points in a text. (ELACC1RL6)
- compare and contrast characters in the story. (ELACC1RL9)
- learn about contractions.
- have differentiated guided reading lessons.

During Writing Workshop the students will:
- begin writing how to paragraphs. (ELACC1W2)
List 29 (went, old, stop, great, tell): Test Thursday morning
In math the students will add 2 digit numbers using concrete models or drawings and strategies. (MCC1.NBT.4)
Mrs. Folsom