Sunday, May 22, 2016

May 23- 25

Monday, Mary 23: 
- Friendship activities
- Friendship Ice Cream Sundae Social at 11:25- 12:00
- signing Yearbooks and/ or Memory Book with ALL 2nd grade friends at the Bus Port

May 24: Reading/ Camping Day, 12:10 Early Release
- Kids may bring a small pillow, a small blanket or towel, a small soft animal, a flashlight, and books.
- I'll make "tents" for the kids with sheets for the true camping experience.

May 25: Blue Day, Last Day of School, 12:10 Early Release
- Cleaning Day
- 5th grade walk

At home work on:
- counting money
- telling time on an analog clock
- addition and/ or subtraction facts, then multiplication facts
- reading (both silently and out loud) and retelling

Monday, May 16, 2016

May 16- 20

May 16- 20
This week we will:
- have fun reading about pirates, making pirate characters, writing about the pirate characters we make, complete math activities involving pirates, etc.
- wrapping up any individual assessments

Upcoming events:
May 19: Board Game day
May 20: Movie in the AM
Mary 23: Year Book/ Memory Book signing in PM, Ice Cream Sundaes after lunch
May 24: Reading/ Camping Day, 12:10 Early Release
May 25: Blue Day, Last Day of School, 12:10 Early Release

At home work on:
- counting money
- telling time on an analog clock
- addition and/ or subtraction facts, then multiplication facts
- reading (both silently and out loud) and retelling

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Cow Drop

May 12, 2016 at 1:15 pm

PMES Foundation and Chick-fil-A at Brookstone present

Send your teacher up in the Helicopter to drop the Cows!
(The 2 teachers with highest Cow Sales get to ride in the helicopter!)

1st Place   - Closest to the “X” – 1 Year Free Chick-Fil-A Meals (1/week for a year)
2nd Place  - 2nd Closest to the “X” – Large Plush Cow
3rd Place  - 3rd Closest to the “X” – 5 Free Chick-Fil-A Kids Meals


Monday, May 2, 2016

May 2-6

May 2- 6
This week we will:
- continue learning how to solve two digit addition problems with regrouping.
- learn how to solve two digit subtraction problems with regrouping.
- write a friendly letter to our parents.
- begin our persuasive writing project.
- review homonyms.
- learn more about the life cycle of a plant while planting flowers.
- begin our study on Jimmy Carter.
- read, discuss, and describe how characters respond to major challenges and events.
- continue our reading/ character project.

Upcoming events:
May 13: Field Day
May 24: 12:10 Early Release
May 25: Last Day of School, 12:10 Early Release

At home work on:
- counting money
- telling time on an analog clock
- addition and/ or subtraction facts, then multiplication facts
- reading (both silently and out loud) and retelling